
bucket list


The Philippines has been on the top of our must-visit list for as long as we can remember. The beautiful and pristine clear tropical waters were enough to hold our interest. That’s why the moment we planned an extended trip to South East Asia, we knew this country needed to be one of our first stops. We can now confidently say the Philippines is one of the best vacation spots in the world.What is the best smartphone for travelling?Despite all this country has to offer, it is quite remote and isn’t your typical tourist destination. All busyness is replaced with ‘island time’ where everything is a lot more relaxed and leisurely. If you’re like we were, you may not know what to expect travelling in the Philippines. We’ve made this list to get you more prepared on what to expect in the Philippines. We’ve made a list of 10 must…

Ever since the movie came out in 2007 people everywhere have been putting together lists of what they want to do before they die. Early into our relationship, we started talking about our list never putting anything formal together. I had a journal beside my bed and about six months into our relationship we started to casually write down ideas we loved, places we wanted to visit, and things that really sounded cool to us. Unfortunately during the downsizing process of turning to a minimalist life, the journal got lost. With most of the ideas still fresh in our heads, we created a formal list while sitting in the airport about to depart on our honeymoon.When we got married, we vowed to one another to never live a normal, boring life. We promised each other a life of thrill seeking adventure and with what I am sure will be an…