


Vietnam is one of those amazing countries that never disappoint. It was easily one of my favourite places I’ve been. The history, lush greenery,  friendly people, lazy beaches, delicious food, stunning landscapes, affordable price…. Ah! There is so much to love about this stunning south-east Asian country.Not knowing what to expect from the country was likely a big part of the reason I loved it. You will need to set aside at least 2 weeks to travel through this country. As a Canadian, you will need to get a visa on arrival which will allow you a 1 month’s stay in the country. I stayed the whole month and could have easily stayed longer.Vietnam is a long and skinny country which makes it an easy spot for traveling. Most of the significant sites are situated along the country’s coastline making this a very scenic country to travel to. For traveling…

I find the problem with Asia is that every country you visit is so beautiful it is hard to pick a favourite. Regardless, Vietnam is undoubtedly up there with one of the coolest countries in Asia. It is a country currently undergoing a massive rebuild. It is wonderful to visit and see it in its present state. You can feel how much it is going to change with years to come. While it is easy to indulge in all the beautiful sights of Vietnam from the beaches to the rice fields, A trip to Ho Chi Minh City is not complete without a tour through some of this country’s rich history. You don’t need to be a history buff to appreciate all that Vietnam has gone through. Having only a vague memory of the Vietnam war that was taught in school it is unbelievable to go there and see the other…